Interwine 11月13-15日全球酒商云集,第一批名单公布

   日期:2016-10-11     来源:企业提供    浏览:2574    评论:0    
核心提示: 2016年11月13日-15日,第17届中国(广州)国际名酒展(Interwine)将在广州琶洲广交会展馆C区14.1&15.1&14.2&15.2号馆盛大开幕!届时,来自法国南部SuD
The 17th Interwine, organized by Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd., will be held in China Import & Export Fair Complex, Area C during NOV. 13th to 15th, with an area of 40,000sqm. During the fair, wineries from different organizations, such as French Chamber of Commerce, Spain Castilla-La Mancha Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Argentine National Commission for Foreign Investments, Chinese Spanish Chamber of Commerce, AJEPC, Italian National Promotion Center for Wine, and from main wine countriessuch as Georgia, South Africa, Israel, AustriaCzech Republic and Slovakia, will come in groups. And vintners from 72 countries and domestic wine importers, wine distributors will gather together. Sincerely hope that you can participate in this great Event!
